Can Firewood Be Stored Outside?

  • Category: Firewoods
  • Published Date: Jul 30, 2024

As the cooler months approach, many homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts start preparing their firewood for the winter. One common question that arises is, can firewood be stored outside? The short answer is yes, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind to ensure that your firewood remains dry, protected, and ready to use when you need it. In this post with Beaver Creek Firewood, we will explore the pros and cons of outdoor firewood storage and provide you with practical outdoor firewood storage tips.

The Pros And Cons: Can Firewood Be Stored Outside?

Can firewood be stored outside? Absolutely, but it’s more complex than stacking logs in the backyard and forgetting about them. Storing firewood outdoors has its advantages, but it also comes with some challenges.

Pros Of Storing Firewood Outside

Space-Saving: Keeping firewood outside frees up space inside your home or garage, making it easier to manage your indoor living areas.

  • Convenience: For those who prefer to have their firewood near the fire pit or outdoor fireplace, storing it outside is convenient and practical.
  • Reduced Indoor Mess: Storing firewood outdoors reduces the risk of bringing dirt, insects, or mold into your home.

Cons Of Storing Firewood Outside

  • Exposure to the Elements: When you store firewood outside, it is exposed to rain, snow, and humidity, which can lead to moisture absorption and rotting.
  • Pest Infestation: Outdoor storage can attract pests like termites, ants, and rodents, which can damage your firewood and potentially cause problems inside your home if they migrate.

Given these pros and cons, the answer to the question can firewood be stored outside? Yes, but with careful planning and protection.

Outdoor Firewood Storage Tips: Protecting Your Investment

To maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of storing firewood outdoors, follow these outdoor firewood storage tips:

  • Choose the Right Location: The first step in protecting firewood from the elements is selecting the right storage spot. Find a location that is elevated and well-drained to prevent water accumulation around the woodpile. Ideally, place your woodpile in a sunny spot to help keep it dry.
  • Elevate Your Firewood: Keeping your firewood off the ground is crucial in protecting firewood from the elements and pests. Use a firewood rack or pallets to raise the woodpile at least a few inches off the ground. This prevents moisture from seeping into the bottom layers and helps deter insects.
  • Cover Your Woodpile: One of the most effective outdoor firewood storage tips is to cover the top of the woodpile with a tarp or specially designed firewood cover. Make sure the cover is waterproof but allows for ventilation, as trapping moisture under the cover can cause the wood to rot. Leave the sides of the woodpile uncovered to promote airflow.
  • Stack Wood Properly: Proper stacking is another key factor in protecting firewood from the elements. Stack your wood in a crisscross pattern or in a way that allows air to circulate between the logs. This helps the wood dry faster and reduces the risk of mold and rot.
  • Monitor and Rotate: Regularly check your woodpile for signs of moisture, rot, or pest activity. Use the older wood first and add new wood to the back of the pile to keep the rotation going. This practice is essential for maintaining the quality of your firewood and keeping it ready for use.

Protecting Firewood From The Elements: Why It Matters

Protecting firewood from the elements is not just about keeping it dry—it’s about preserving the quality of the wood. Wet or rotting wood burns less efficiently, produces more smoke, and can lead to dangerous creosote buildup in your chimney. By following the outdoor firewood storage tips mentioned above, you can safeguard your firewood investment and enjoy warm, cozy fires all winter long.

Conclusion: Store Your Firewood Safely With Beaver Creek Firewood

So, can firewood be stored outside? Yes, it can, but with the right precautions. By following these outdoor firewood storage tips and focusing on protecting firewood from the elements, you can keep your firewood dry, pest-free, and ready to use. At Beaver Creek Firewood, we understand the importance of quality firewood and proper storage. If you have any questions or need personalized advice on storing firewood, Contact Us today. We’re here to help you make the most of your firewood and keep your home warm all season long.